Saturday, December 26, 2009


So after one of my best friends, miss Kate Bailey, talked and talked and talked about her new blog, I decided to give this a shot. Friends from previous semesters have maintained blogs, and have done a great job, so I have a lot to live up to. This is a pretty intimidating undertaking, if I say so myself. Not only do I have to remember and explain my life on a day to day or week to week basis, but I need to attempt to stop myself from saying SLASH before every sentence, and from abbreviating every other word, because people say that I do that. I personally don't know what they're talking about, but it's cool. : )

After I got over my apprehensions, I created my account and got going.
Step 1 in creating a ballin blog: epic title. When coming up with a title, I sought out help from a few of my friends to do so. They offered choices like: "Griffstralia", "The wild Griffberries: Adventures in Australia", "Kangaroos, Koalas, Kgriff oh my!", "You sound like you're from Australia", "K.Griff goes Aussie"...the list goes on. I personally wanted to go with "I'm in Australia, bitch" but felt that I should censor myself and remain PG, at least in the title. So "KGriff takes on Australia" it least for now. I feel like its general enough to go in a bunch of different directions, yet very to the point.
Step 2: find a pretty pic and pimp out my blog. I think I succeeded in that endeavor, as I spent about an hour playing with colors and pictures. heyo spare time.
Step 3: write about my life. I decided to do a blog to not only share my experiences and adventures with my friends, but to also use this as a journal to document everything for myself. I know that every day will be filled with new ideas, thoughts, jokes, memories, quotes from people that I meet, and more. I want to be able to recount all of these times on my blog.

So here goes nothing!